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Calculate incidence of new reports from cumulative reports


enw_add_incidence(obs, set_negatives_to_zero = TRUE, by = NULL, copy = TRUE)



A data.frame containing at least the following variables: reference date (index date of interest), report_date (report date for observations), and confirm (cumulative observations by reference and report date).


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should negative counts (for calculated incidence of observations) be set to zero? Currently downstream modelling does not support negative counts and so setting must be TRUE if intending to use epinowcast().


A character vector describing the stratification of observations. This defaults to no grouping. This should be used when modelling multiple time series in order to identify them for downstream modelling


Should obs be copied (default) or modified in place?


The input data.frame with a new variable new_confirm. If max_confirm is present in the data.frame, then the proportion reported on each day (prop_reported) will also be added.


# Default reconstruct incidence
dt <- germany_covid19_hosp[location == "DE"][age_group == "00+"]
#> Key: <reference_date, report_date>
#>        reference_date location age_group confirm report_date new_confirm delay
#>                <IDat>   <fctr>    <fctr>   <int>      <IDat>       <int> <int>
#>     1:     2021-04-06       DE       00+     149  2021-04-06         149     0
#>     2:     2021-04-06       DE       00+     289  2021-04-07         140     1
#>     3:     2021-04-06       DE       00+     350  2021-04-08          61     2
#>     4:     2021-04-06       DE       00+     402  2021-04-09          52     3
#>     5:     2021-04-06       DE       00+     438  2021-04-10          36     4
#>    ---                                                                        
#> 12911:     2021-10-18       DE       00+     113  2021-10-19          70     1
#> 12912:     2021-10-18       DE       00+     142  2021-10-20          29     2
#> 12913:     2021-10-19       DE       00+     223  2021-10-19         223     0
#> 12914:     2021-10-19       DE       00+     387  2021-10-20         164     1
#> 12915:     2021-10-20       DE       00+     235  2021-10-20         235     0

# Make use of maximum reported to calculate empirical daily reporting
dt <- enw_add_max_reported(dt)
#> Key: <reference_date, report_date>
#>        reference_date report_date .group max_confirm location age_group confirm
#>                <IDat>      <IDat>  <num>       <int>   <fctr>    <fctr>   <int>
#>     1:     2021-04-06  2021-04-06      1         708       DE       00+     149
#>     2:     2021-04-06  2021-04-07      1         708       DE       00+     289
#>     3:     2021-04-06  2021-04-08      1         708       DE       00+     350
#>     4:     2021-04-06  2021-04-09      1         708       DE       00+     402
#>     5:     2021-04-06  2021-04-10      1         708       DE       00+     438
#>    ---                                                                         
#> 12911:     2021-10-18  2021-10-19      1         142       DE       00+     113
#> 12912:     2021-10-18  2021-10-20      1         142       DE       00+     142
#> 12913:     2021-10-19  2021-10-19      1         387       DE       00+     223
#> 12914:     2021-10-19  2021-10-20      1         387       DE       00+     387
#> 12915:     2021-10-20  2021-10-20      1         235       DE       00+     235
#>        cum_prop_reported new_confirm delay prop_reported
#>                    <num>       <int> <int>         <num>
#>     1:         0.2104520         149     0    0.21045198
#>     2:         0.4081921         140     1    0.19774011
#>     3:         0.4943503          61     2    0.08615819
#>     4:         0.5677966          52     3    0.07344633
#>     5:         0.6186441          36     4    0.05084746
#>    ---                                                  
#> 12911:         0.7957746          70     1    0.49295775
#> 12912:         1.0000000          29     2    0.20422535
#> 12913:         0.5762274         223     0    0.57622739
#> 12914:         1.0000000         164     1    0.42377261
#> 12915:         1.0000000         235     0    1.00000000