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This function adds a pooling effect to the metadata returned by enw_effects_metadata(). It does this updating the fixed column to 0 for the effects that match the string argument and adding a new column var_name that is 1 for the effects that match the string argument and 0 otherwise.


enw_add_pooling_effect(effects, var_name = "sd", finder_fn = startsWith, ...)



A data.table with the following columns:

  • effects: the name of the effect

  • fixed: a logical indicating whether the effect is fixed (1) or random (0).

This is the output of enw_effects_metadata().


The name of the new column that will be added to the effects data.table. This column will be 1 for the effects that match the string and 0 otherwise. Defaults to 'sd'.


A function that will be used to find the effects that match the string. Defaults to startsWith(). This can be any function that takes a character as it's first argument (the effects$effects column) and then any other other arguments in ... and returns a logical vector indicating whether the effects were matched.


Additional arguments to finder_fn. E.g. for the finder_fn = startsWith default, this should be prefix = "somestring".


A data.table with the following columns:

  • effects: the name of the effect

  • fixed: a logical indicating whether the effect is fixed (1) or random (0).

  • Argument supplied to var_name: a logical indicating whether the effect should be pooled (1) or not (0).

See also


data <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = as.character(1:3), c = c(1,1,2))
design <- enw_design(a ~ b + c, data)$design
effects <- enw_effects_metadata(design)
enw_add_pooling_effect(effects, prefix = "b")
#>    effects fixed    sd
#>     <char> <num> <num>
#> 1:      b2     0     1
#> 2:      b3     0     1
#> 3:       c     1     0