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  • Sam Abbott. Author, maintainer.

  • Adrian Lison. Author.

  • Sebastian Funk. Author.

  • Carl Pearson. Author.

  • Hugo Gruson. Author.

  • Felix Guenther. Author.

  • Michael DeWitt. Author.

  • Hannah Choi. Contributor.

  • Pratik Gupte. Contributor.

  • Joel Hellewell. Contributor.

  • Luis Rivas. Contributor.

  • Sang Woo Park. Contributor.

  • Nathan McIntosh. Contributor.

  • James Mba Azam. Contributor.

  • Kath Sherratt. Contributor.

  • Nikos Bosse. Contributor.

  • Adam Howes. Contributor.

  • Jessalyn Sebastian. Contributor.


Source: inst/CITATION

Sam Abbott, Lison A, Funk S, Pearson C, Gruson H, Guenther F, DeWitt M (NULL). epinowcast: Flexible Hierarchical Nowcasting. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5637165.

  title = {epinowcast: Flexible Hierarchical Nowcasting},
  author = {{Sam Abbott} and Adrian Lison and Sebastian Funk and Carl Pearson and Hugo Gruson and Felix Guenther and Michael DeWitt},
  year = {NULL},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5637165},