zero_truncated_normal.stan File Reference

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real zero_truncated_normal_lpdf (vector y, real mu, real sigma)

Function Documentation

◆ zero_truncated_normal_lpdf()

real zero_truncated_normal_lpdf ( vector  y,
real  mu,
real  sigma 

Compute log PDF for a zero-truncated normal distribution

Calculates the log probability density for a vector of observations assumed to follow a zero-truncated normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation. This function is useful in contexts where the normal distribution is truncated to exclude values below zero.

yVector of observations.
muMean of the zero-truncated normal distribution.
sigmaStandard deviation of the zero-truncated normal distribution.
The log probability density of the observations given the zero-truncated normal distribution.
The function performs the following calculation:
  1. Computes the normal log PDF of y given mu and sigma.
  2. Subtracts the log cumulative complementary distribution function (LCCDF) of zero under the normal distribution to account for truncation. The term g * normal_lccdf(0 | mu, sigma) adjusts for the probability mass excluded by truncation, where g is the number of elements in y.
See also
This function is used in effect_priors_lp for applying a zero-truncated normal prior to the standard deviations of random effects in a regression context.

Definition at line 29 of file zero_truncated_normal.stan.